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Delicious fruits, and by far the most
popular fruit. Serve strawberries at
room temperature, then they have far more
flavor than at lower temperature.

How to recognize a good strawberry

Important how a strawberry smell! The color of the crown ( the green leaf)and
brightness and say something about the taste.
The seize, the color and shape don't say anything
about the taste! If a strawberry is immature
can be seen by the white spot near the crown.
Strawberries will only ripen on the plant
Immature purchased remains immature!.

early strawberry varieties

These varieties of strawberries are often
grown in plastic tunnels:'Elsanta' is the
by far the most cultivated strawberry, it has
little taste, and the most important reason
why you should grow youre own strawberries.
'Elsanta' exept for its watery taste its
other main disadvantage is the susceptibility
to many diseases, like mildew. 'Elsanta' has a
good shelf life. 'Lambada' much less productive,
but has a stronger flavor and is wonderful to see.
'Lambada' is extremely susceptible to diseases.
This is typical for the strawberry on a biscuit.
'Darselect' has a strong strawberry taste.
'Mare des bois' tastes spicy and less to strawberry.
'Korona' is the typical garden strawberrie :
many large strawberries, strong race, few diseases.

late strawberry varieties

These are the strawberry industry, where a
large production is paramount, "Tago"
has many large and strawberries, but
is sensitive.

strawberries in the garden

Strawberries love sun and a bit sandy grounds.
These strong plants survive anything but
only if they have ebough water.
Traditionally strawberry are raised under nets
against birds. Strawberries do grow on dry land,
the strawberries remain small. And of fresh
manure to the strawberries rot. Traditionally
straw under the strawberries prevents contact
with the ground.t het makkelijkst. Nowadays
plasticulture is the most used used and the
easiest methode: Weed and the slugs are less
much less likely, the strawberries will rot
less quickly. Ever-bearing cultivars are the best.
Pick the strawberries without damaging the crown:
by nodding the stem .

propagation of strawberries

Propagation is done easely by cutting of there shoots.
Don't try to raise youre strawberries by seed.

ever flowering strawberries

These strawberry plant are great for youre own garden:
They are planted in april and start flowering from
May until fall , producing small amounts of strawberries.
The cultivar 'Ostara' is the most famous and combines
high yields with a good taste.
Don't put the rnners under the ground but lay them
on the ground

Another form of greenhouse strawberry production:
the strawberries grown in hanging basket
and are sold in may in gardenshops.

Strawberry jam, before the label was added.
These jam are also included a bit of currant,
mainly because of the color. Strawberry jam loose its
red color after a while when stored on a light place.
So put away in the dark, or add redcurrant or black currant.

strawberry jam

1kg strawberries
1kg sugar
juice of 2 lemons or oranges (optional)
heat the sliced strawberries, mix the
sugar and the juice of lemon or orange, boil gently,
in about 40 minutes, gently over low heat.
Allow to stand 2 minutes, then some more bubbles
in the hot jam dissapear. Pour the hot jam
into the sterile hot jars, close the jar
and immediately turn around, ready!

Variations: Add sour apples, for
example 1 per kilo strawberry
this adds pectin and the volume
has increased, for little money.


On this website you will find these smoothy recipes :
strawberry smoothy



In the spring:
1 strawberry
2 raspberry
3 cherry
4 blackberry

In the summer:
5 cranberry
6 foxberry
7 rowan
8 elder
9 current
10 black current
18 cranberry

Happy with a zucchini and flowers raised by herself.

magic beans