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Kohlrabi is a low cabbage that grows on
sandy chalcky grounds. Kohlrabi has many
uses, and plays an important role in the
kashmir kitchen, where it is called Monj.
Kohlrabi has a superficial vulnerable
rootsystem and for this reason it won't grow
on clay grounds. Kohlrabi need moist ground and
also needs to be fertilized.

koolrabi germination

Kohlrabi is sown indoor as the seedlings are
very small and have a hard time between weed.
Place those seedlings in the garden after 3
weeks indoor growth. The ground needs to be
fertilized and chalcky.

Kohlrabi in Juli, it takes two months from
sowing until harvesting.

kohlrabi diseases

Kohlrabi is vulnerable for the same disease other
cabbages suffer from . The most important is
clubfoot, a bacterial infection. It can be
prevented by adding chalck to the ground.

kohlrabi harvesting

Kohlrabi can be harvested directly after maturing,
but it also possible to wait for a month after
maturing. Kohlrabi can also be eaten when the are small:
the taste is the same as fennel.

kohlrabi recipes

Kohlrabi is only cooked shortly: it
should have a firm bite.

Kohlrabi in Juni on a chacky sandground.

    Kohlrabi has a green or purple skin, this is
    'White danube' and 'Purple Danube'.


    sea kale
    black Tuscany kale

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