A winterhardy perrinial shrub up to 1 meter high.
It has a very long flowering period,
starting in april and ending in september.
Thje leaves have a beautiful brown discoloration
in fall. The Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' is
very drought resistant.
origin of Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii'
This shrub grpws around the medeaterean sea.
prpagationof Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii'
Starting with the seed is mostly done as
a way of propagation , but it is also
possible to divide this plant.,
maar ook door scheuren van de plant
vermeerderd worden.
inheemse wolfsmelksoorten: heksenmelk of Euphorbia esula
Kroontjeskruid (Euphorbia helioscopia)
Tuinwolfsmelk (Euphorbia peplus)
De Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' has beautiful flowers a blueish leaves.
Photo made in May .
Euphorbia or Spurge
Euphorbia is a large and succeful flower family.
Most of the spurges are perennial and evergreen
and very drought tolerant.
These plants all contain the white latex, that
is not only poisionous but inflicts a very painful
inflamations of the skin . For this reason
It is nescesary to wear gloves when handling
an Euphorbia or spurge.
Cyathium from Euphorbia or spurge, with
Bracts 1 and seed capsule 2
Spurge flowers
The pseudanthia ("false flowers") of the spurge
is a cyathium, a flowerlike structure
consisting of two bracts that form a scale.
These bracks often have an attractive distinct
color, like yellow-green.
The seeds are placed in a capsule that splits
open when exposed to drought. The seeds are
then trown out.
Exept for cassava, spurges have little use to humanity,
they are a all very poisionous. A few spurges are grown
as garden plants, like the Poinsettia.
Spurges are very well adapted to drought,
some of them with succulent stems.
The name "spurge" is derives from the French
"espurgier", which means "to purge," suggesting
its use as a strong purgative. Only some goats
are able to eat them without develloping illness.
Juba II.
Euphorbia and king Juba II
The first text about an Euphorbia has been
written by King Juba II. He was a well-known
King at the Time of Julius Ceasar.
King Juba II wrote a description of the Orient
in which he describes a very laxative succulent
( Euphorbia regisjuba, named after him).
The name of the family of Euphorbia has
been named after his physician, Euphobus.