White poplar or populus alba

white poplar

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the White poplar

Populus alba
A common tree that can grow up to 25 meter high.
It has a white bark with dark square holes in it.
The leaves are white on the underside.
The white poplar has female (staminate) or male
(pistillate) flowers. All reproduction occurs
by root sprouts. Other varieties are the aspen
(P. tremula), grey poplar (P. canescens), and
black poplar (P. nigra).

White poplar distribution

As the white poplar is not very sensitiv for salt it
is capable to grow in the near of the sea.
But it can can also be found on poor grounds
like dunes.

The female flowers of the white poplar
are yellow-green.

The white poplar gives good shade.

The use of White poplar

The White poplar is not a good street tree
as it has brittle wood and becomes too high.
But it is very resistant against oil and
salt pollution.


The most used cultivar is the populus alba "Bolleana",
with a straight trunc.
Populus alba "pendula" is the wheeping white poplar.

The grey poplar is a hybrid.


White poplar is brittle and a bad fire wood,
it also produces smoke.

Aspen or poplars

A family of large trees that produce a
special sounds, caused by their flattened
leaf stems: this make the leaves to twist
and flutter in slight breezes.

- White Poplar(Populus alba)Asia and around the Miditarean Sea
- Chinese Aspen (Populus adenopoda) : China
- Japanese Aspen (Populus sieboldii): Japan
- Poplar (Populus tremula) : Europe
- Quaking American Aspen (Populus tremuloides): USA
- Grey Poplar a hybrid.

the provence

These flowers and vegetables grow on
poor and calcareous soil,the winters are
soft, the summers are hot:
white poplar
pruimen, mirabellen
almond tree
Sweet Wormwood
sea meadick or Medicago marina
Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii'

    The leaves of the white poplar have a
    white underside. In strongwinds the tree
    can suddenly change of color,
    from green to white, a strange sight.

    The white poplar can grow up to 30 meters high,
    but remains often much smaller.
    The White poplar is often grown as
    windbreaks in commercial orchards.

    The bark of the white poplar has
    dark squares in it.

    The leaves of the white poplar
    are dark green on the upperside and almost.
    white on the underside.


    This list gives an indication of the quality as a firewood

    Alder fastburning, good firewood.

    Birch good , but burns fast

    Horse chestnut bad quality firewood, hard to ignite.

    Beech very good, but need to be very dry.

    Oak very good

    Lime good.

    Ashvery good firewood

    Mulberry very good , but hard to get

    monkey puzzle woodbad firewood, don't use it

    White poplar smokes, bad firewood

    Black locust or Robiniavery good and exspensive.

    Walnut good , but hard to get

    Yew good.

    Larch bad firewood.

    A garden near the coast

    The air contains salt and sand and the wind is stormy.
    These plants will grown in the near of the coast.

    Sea-buckthorn (Hippocampus rhamnoides)

    Eleagnus (E. ebbingel)

    Spurge (Euphorbia)




    Lady's Mantle,



    White poplar

    Austrian pine (Pinus nigra ssp nigra)

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