The origin of the artichoke is somewhere
around the Mediterranean , but it is also
possible to grow artichoke in this country.
The taste of the artichoke looks like the taste
of asparagus. Arti chokes can be grown from seed,
but it's much easier to duplicate by removing
through rhizomes.
sowing of the Artichoke
Sow the seeds early spring in a box
Germination occurs only between the 20C and 25C
Moist soil is important. Transplant these seedlings
as soon as possible and put each seedling in
a separate pot. But they still have to grow under

Artichokes need much space.
hardening of the Artichoke
This is best done in mid-April and the
easiest way to achieve this is by placing the boxes
in the open air at night.
But keep youre seedlings inside or under glass at bad
and cold weather. From half May they can stay in the open air
Place them with at least one meter between the
plants. Harvestings happens in August. When harvesting
cut with the flowers with 2 inch stem still attached.
Cover the artichokes in the winter with hay.
This artichoke cultivar is called 'green globe' and
gives a good yield, and is winter hardy.
harvesting artichoke
Artichokes produces 5 to 6 flowers per plant.
In the first years no flowers can be harvested
but the second and third years are the most productive,
In the fourth year the yield is very little ,
and the best thing to do is to take the plant
off the root cuttings. Don't wait for the
flowers to open. These flowerheads are not edible.
Cut the head off with at least 5 cm stem still attached.
Artichoke is served with a dipsauce:
with 1 dessert spoon mayonnaise,
1 dessert spoon full yoghurt, lemon juice
and a finely chopped garlic.

The artichoke is a pretty impressive plant,
with large gray leaves and beautiful large
purple flowers.

The artichoke flowers are excellent in fall
borders as a dried flower.
cultivars of the artichoke
Cultivars are the 'early green' or 'green of Laon',
The most famous artichoke cultivar is also
winterhardy: 'Green Globe'. Also wellknown is
"Violet de Provence '.
recipe with artichokes
Eat fresh artichokes, the taste detoriates fast
and a refrigorator doesn't change that.
The petals are the best part.
The artichoke can be cooked in half an hour,
but first cut the brown parts
The petals can be easily removed.

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