Cleavers, Clivers, Goosegrass, Stickywilly or Galium aparine

Goosegrass, cleavers

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Goosegrass or cleavers

Cleavers are a widespread herb, with well known
burs that stick to almost everything, especially
to clothes. Everything is sticky: the stem, the leaves
and the seeds are burs.

flowering of cleavers

Cleavers flower in june with numerous tiny white
flowers that produce pairs of seeds covered in
hooked hairs. These burst can attach themselves
to clothing or animal fur, rabbits and birds.

Cleavers growth

Cleavers are very common in gardens, hedges and
in low shrubs. If the ground is fertile and moist
there growth is very rapid, they end up shading out
other plants that they overrun.

Cleavers as a weed

Cleavers are the most competative weed in cereals,
and is for that reason the focus of much research.
Cleavers attache themself to the stem and leaves
of the grain. By growing in the grain they compete
with the light, shading the grain and it to ground,
making it useless. The trailing plants also
interfere with harvesting equipment.

Cleavers germination

Cleavers germinate in two periodes: in autumn and
early winter and in the spring.
Those cleavers that germinate before the winter
are by far more important in producing crop damage.
Also if the summer months are rainy, cleavers are
much more vigorous and have a greater effect on
crop yield. The later-germinating weeds appear to have almost no effect on crop yield,

Cleaver weed control

Remove the cleaver by hand from your field, use a
handkerchief. Scout the cereal fields early because
the weed is most sensitive to herbicides in its
early growth stages.

Cleaver prevention

Use certified seed that is free of cleavers

Cleavers are edible

Cleavers are edioble if cooked , as they are covered
with small hooks. But they are not very taste at all.

Cleavers as a food for animals

There are many animals on a farm that love to eat cleavers:
Chicken , goose and other poultry are fond on them, but
also rabits and guinee pigs. They are also helpfull in spreading
the burs.

Cleavers cause irritation sometimes

Handling this plant by removing it from youre garden
may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction.

cleavers or goosegrass

1 Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria subsp. bulbilifer)
2 Sweet Violet or Common Violet (viola odorata)
3 Lesser celandine(Oxalis acetosella)
4 Yellow Star-of-Betlehem (Gagea lutea)
5 Woodanemoon (Anemone nemorosa)
6 Herb Paris, True-lover's Knot (paris quadrifolia)
7 Star of bethlehem (Stellaria media)
8 Cleavers (Galium aparine)
9 Yellow Archangel(Lamiastrum galeobdolon)
10 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
11 Woodruff (Galium odorata)
12 Bittersweet or Bitter nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
13 Bush Vetch (Vicia sepium)
14 Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca)
15 Field garlic (Allium oleraceum)
16 Cretan bryony (Bryonia cretica)

    Cleavers in the wood.

    The stam of cleavers

    The stam is flexible and strong, its covered with
    little hooks. The vascular bundles are placed in the centre,
    just like the liana's or Clematis or Vitis (wild grape.
    The hooks are placed on the corners.
    In this way it will stick to grasses and will
    easely bent in the wind. near the ground the
    stam is normally build , without hooks

    The stam of cleavers have the vasculair bundels
    in the centre.

    The stam of cleavers is normally build near the ground.


    These are the most terrible weeds that can penetrate
    youre garden, and how to remove them :
    Bishop's weed
    Field horsetail
    Larger Bindweed
    common chickweed
    common sorre
    Wild Radish
    Common Knotgrass
    Couch Grass


    These seeds are spread by animals (and humans), they stick
    to tails of horses and cows , the fur of rabits or the wings of birds:
    It is a form of epichory: the spread of the seed from plants with
    low investment of energy in the seed. Have a look at these examples:

    1 burdock (Arctium sp.)
    2 wood forgetmenot (Myosotis)
    3 Cleavers (Gallium aparine)
    avens (Geum urbanum)
    5 alfalfa (Medicago)
    6 beggarticks or stickseeds (Bidens)
    7 common agrimony or sticklewort (agrimonia eupatoria)
    8 sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum)
    9 Bidi-bidi (Acaenae novae), new Zealand
    10 common ragweed (Ambrosia artimisiifolia)
    11 enchanter's nightshad (Circaea lutetiana)
    12 sweet cicely( Osmorhiza) USA
    13 american stickseed (Hackelia deflexa ) USA

    14 wild carrot (daucis carotis)

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