This the white clover that is used as a natural fertilizer.
Control of Red Clover
The red Clover can be nuisance weed in your lawn.
But it means that youre lawn is in need of nitrogen.
The most easiest way to remove the red clover is by
fertilizing youre lawn: the grasses will grow faster
then the clover. You will also need to mow the lawn
more often. There is of course also an hard way
of removing the red clover: you can pull it out
by hand, you need to remove the rhizomes as well!
Red Clover and its companions:
1 Large White or Cabbage White (Pieris brassicae)
2 Red Admiral (vanessa Atalanta)
3 Golden ground beetle (Carabus auratus)
4 large earth bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
5 Common earwig (Forficula auricularia)
6 Great green bush-cricket (Tettigonia viridissima)
1 Red clover (Trifolium pratense )
2 Daisy (Bellis perennis)
3Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
4 Great Nettles ((Urtica dioica)
Red Clover
A very common herbaceous perennial plant with a great
value to increase the nitrogen content of the soil
Nitrogen is very important for ground fertility.
This nitrogen fixazion is done by ground bacteria
that lives between the roots of red clover.
For this reason is red clover used in macrobiotic
Strong points of red clover
Red Clover has the capacity to work together with
nitrogen binding bacteria. It makes red clover
succesfull , as it gives red clover an advantage on poor soils.
Red clover spread by rhizomes and spreads very fast.
It also has the possebily to spread by seeds. The flowers
are visited by bumblebee alones , bees, wesps and hoverfly
cannot enter the flower of red clover.
Red clover can be found in many colors : red or purple
can be found everywere, the white clover on very poor grounds.
The photo is made by Jaap Cost Budde: Flickr