Wild radish

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Wild radish

The Wild radish is an annual weed that grows on poor,
sandy grounds like roadsides and
between rey.

Wild radish or Jointed Charlock.


Blooming is done in the summer with yellow or white
flowers , rarely with pink flowers.


The seeds germinate easely. The Wildradish will grow
on every soil. For this reason Wild radish can be
found on disturbed grounds.

Wild radish and Wild mustard

The wild Mustard resembles the wild radish , but the
seedboxes of the Wild Radish are 8cm , longer then
those of Wild Mustard (5cm).

a bee visiting the flowers Wild Radish in june.

Wild Radish control

Wild Radish can be a noxious weed for farmers , mostly
in combination with rey or other grains. Herbicids are
effectiv, 2,4-D will do the job , but need to be given before
Wild radish is full grown . If wild rdish is shorter then 15cm
90% of the wild radish will be killed.

    Wild radish , jointed Charlock or Raphanus raphanistrum

    Growing between the rey

    On fields with rey some plants
    can be found, adapted to poor grounds
    and the fast growing ray.
    These plants were once very common, there
    seeds mixed with the rey. But nowadays the
    rye has almost dissapeared and there
    has been much technical progression in
    removing those out of the rey.
    Creeping thistle
    Field Bindweed
    Corn flower
    Forking Larkspur
    Ranunculus arvensis
    Scarlet Pimpernel


    These are the most terrible weeds that can penetrate
    youre garden, and how to remove them :
    Bishop's weed
    Field horsetail
    Larger Bindweed
    common chickweed
    common sorre
    Wild Radish
    Common Knotgrass
    Couch Grass

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