Wood avens or Herb Bennet or Geum urbanum

Wood avens or Herb Bennet

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Wood avens or Herb Bennet

A perrenial herb that grows in the shadow of woods. The herb forms every year new rosettes at the apex of its rhizome. This herb wil reache a height of 70 centimeter.

Wood avens distribution

Wood avens has a very large distribution , and is common in the whole of Europa and Asia, except the extreme north. Its also found in the North of Africa, in Noth America and also in Australia. The stens and leaves are more hairy in the southern parts a the leaves are more deeply dissected.

Wood avens habitat

Wood avens or Herb bennet grows on middle acid soils, and tolerate shadow. It has a wide climate tolerance.

Wood avens flowering

Wood avens blooms from the end of the spring until the end of the summer, with small bright yellow flowers with 5 petals.

Wood avens seeds

The little seeds have burrs and stick to rabbits birds and cows, horses and humans. But the light seeds are also transported by rain water. The seeds of wood avens remain fertile for some years.


These seeds are spread by animals (and humans), they stick
to tails of horses and cows , the fur of rabits or the wings of birds:
It is a form of epichory: the spread of the seed from plants with
low investment of energy in the seed. Have a look at these examples:

1 burdock (Arctium sp.)
2 wood forgetmenot (Myosotis)
3 Cleavers (Gallium aparine)
avens (Geum urbanum)
5 alfalfa (Medicago)
6 beggarticks or stickseeds (Bidens)
7 common agrimony or sticklewort (agrimonia eupatoria)
8 sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum)
9 Bidi-bidi (Acaenae novae), new Zealand
10 common ragweed (Ambrosia artimisiifolia)
11 enchanter's nightshad (Circaea lutetiana)
12 sweet cicely( Osmorhiza) USA
13 american stickseed (Hackelia deflexa ) USA

14 wild carrot (daucis carotis)

    Wood avens or Herb Bennet, Geum urbanum.

    Wood avens seeds remain long on the dried stems
    waiting for a bird or rabbit that will transport it.
    Wood avens is sometimes found on the top of walls.

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