Bishop's weed or Aegopodium podagria
Once you have this weed in youre garden its
almost impossible to remove, its rhizomes
reproduce after the plant has been removed.
You have to remove this plant again and again.
Wear gloves. This plant forms long wormlike rhizomes.
It grows best in moist soil.
During summertime it produces pretty white or
light pink umbrella shaped flower that
aren't very attractive.
Be careful with Bishop's weed
It is a noxious and invasive weed and almost impossible
to get rid of. It causes blisters and a burning
feeling on the skin, just like poison ivy.
a nice thing about Bishop's weed
It is attractive for butterflies and bees and hoverflies.
don't confuse Bishop's weed with:
wild parrot (has the smell of parrot)
Water Parsnip
Bulb-bearing Water Hemlock
the control of Bishop's weed
There are 8 ways to fight the Bishop's weed in youre garden:
1 Remove the rhizomes by hand, you have to dig them out
one by one, they have the appearance of white worms.
2 There are just few herbicides that affect Bishop's gout
like glycolphosphate. But it only affects the leaves , not the rhizomes.
3 Bishop's weed is no match for corn,
soybeans or small grains or Potatous.
4 Cover the ground with sheets of black plastic. Do this for two years.
5 Remove the bishop's weed by weeding for a very long time, in the end you will win the battle.
6 If the Bishop's weed appear in the lawn, often mowing will do the job.
7 Put an hedge between you and the Bishop's weed , use common Hornbeam
8 Chicken are fond o bishop's weed rhiizomes , they dig them out! So rent a chicken.
9 Bishop's weed only grows on acid ground , so add chalk to the ground.

Bishop's weed and its compan, a print from 1920, with correction.
1 Bishop's gout(Aegopodium podagraria?)
2 Meadow Clary (Salvia pratensis)
3 common sorrel ((Rumex acetosa)
4 Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi)
5 Hedge Bedstraw (Galium mollugo)
6 Greater Yellow-rattle (Rhinanthus angustifolius)
7 water avens, (Geum rivale)
8 autumn croionscus (Colchicum autumnale)
9 Green-winged Orchid (Anacamptis morio)
10stiff eyebright(Euphrasia stricta)
11hoary plantain (plantago media)