A beautiful evergreen climber that has a long
flowering period. It is relatively frost-hardy.
The potato vine can grow in every soil,
but prefers well drained soil.
Although its name "jasmoides", the white
potato vine is not fragrant at all.
flowering of solanum jasmoides
The Solanum has a long flowering period starting at
the end of spring until the mid of fall.
It flowers with whita or light blue flowers with
prominent stamens in bright yellow.
Flowers are followed by small purple-black berries.
They are toxic if ingested and have no
ornamental value.
solanum jasmoides leaves
The leaves are dark green colored, sometimes change
to a reddish in fall.
The solanum jasmoides flowering in august.
The solanum jasmoides distribution
The solanum is a well known in the middle of South-America,
were it can become a 40 ft tall. In Africa this plant
is reported to be potentially invasive.
De solanum jasmoides 'Album' in october.
Solanum jasmoides 'Album'
The Solanum 'Album ' is the most sold cultivar,
it has bright white flowers. It has a
long flowering period, almost half a year,
starting at the end of spring.
Althougjh not completely frost-hardy,
it is enough to give it some shelter
in severe frost periods.
Nightshade family
The nightshade family are all very poisionous plants,
but it also contain some very important crops.
These crops are sensitiv for some diseases
that can infect all members of the family.
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