bittersweet, climbing nightshade
Bittersweet is a common woody climbing vine that
is known for its nicely colored but poisionous
berries and small violet flowers.
Bittersweet is common in most parts of Asia,
Europe and north America.
This climbing vine will grow on almost every soil.
A climbing vine
Bittersweet has a woody stem at its basic
and grows with long thin and hairy branches that twist
around hedges and bushes.
The unripe berries are olivegreen but then
get a different color: they fist become
yellow, orange at red at last.
The berries are poisionous for humans
but birds love them and disperse the
seeds over long distances.
bitterweet and Ralstonia solanacearum
Bittersweet houses a bacteria called pseudomonas
solanacearum or Ralstonia solanacearum. This bacteria
lives in the soil and infect plants of the nightshade
family (potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants). In the North of
Europe, Ralstonia houses in solanaceous weeds which grow
in slow moving rivers or in bittersweet, another member
of the nightshade family. When such contaminated water is
used to irrigate potatoes, tomatoes or aubergines, Ralstonia
enters these crops and causes damage to the harvest.
Nightshade family
The nightshade family are all very poisionous plants,
but it also contain some very important crops.
These crops are sensitiv for some diseases
that can infect all members of the family.
On this website you will find:
Bell pepper
other members of the nightshade family are:
solanum jasminoides
Wild Tabacco, Sacred Tabacco.