Silver lace vine or Fallopia baldschuanica

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Silver lace vine or Fallopia

A fast growing climber that has the capability to
cover a wall in one summer. It a good alternative
for japanese creeper and it
produce an enormeous amount of small white flowers
at the end of the summer.

How to cut youre Silver lace vine

Cutting youre vine can be done best in March, otherwise
you will see a lot of twigs, but little green.
If you want to reduce youre Silver lace vine strongly,
do not cut at least 1 meter of the stem.

This silver lace vine is more then 15meter high.
It has invaded a tree and will in the end topple
that tree. A Silve lace can have twigs that grow five
meters a year.

Close up of the small flowers of the Silver lace vine.

Polygonaceae or knotweed family

A large plant family of plants with swollen node joints on
their stem. The leaves are simple and arranged
alternately on the stems .
Most of this family is called Persicaria, these plants
grow in the half shade and prefer moist ground.

- common bistortPersicaria bistorta)
- Himalayan knotweed (Persicaria wallichii)
- Pale Persicaria (Persicaria lapathifolia)
- Small Water-pepper (Persicaria minor)
- Redshank (Persicaria maculosa)
- Amphibious Bistort Persicaria amphibia)
- Water Pepper (Persicaria hydro piper)
- Zachte duizendknoop (Persicaria mitis)
- Tasteless Water-pepper (Persicaria mitis)

-Fallopia or Silver lace
Well known members are:
Garden sorrel

    A silver lace vine can become totally white

    A the end of the summer the little white flowers
    of the silver lace transform into fruits of the
    same color.

    A Fallopia is a cheap and nice way to camouflage a
    ugly wall. Remember that a Silver lace vine only
    grows in one direction, determined by the force of
    the most dominant wind. In mid europe that direction
    of the wind is north-east.

    A green bottle fly is attracted by the honey fragrance of a
    a silver lace vine, photo made in july




    Climbing plants use other plants or rocks for support.

    Climbing Hydrangea
    Virginia Creeper
    trumpet vine


    They need supporting structures like a pergola

    Silver lace vine
    Common hop


    they need to be fixed for support

    Cimbing roses

    visitors: Dutch Dutch |

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