common European Columbine
A beautiful plant, which flowers from late autumn to
mid summer. This plant can survive in the garden
and has little tendency to proliferate. The common
columbine is also often found in the field.
This plant will grow well in moist soil.
The delicate flowers continue to impress.
The common Columbine grows often on cemeteries.
Variants and cultivars
There are over 100 known variants of the columbine.
The wild columbine is the strongest and most beautiful.
But there are many cultivars, as said. And when
they grow close to each other, they will.
A good way to prevent this is immediately
after flowering, the dead stalks cut off.
"Bonnet" is a famous cultivar with pastel colors.

common columbine in spring

Autumn View of the wild columbine
columbine in the garden
The columbine will get three to 4 years old.
But sows very easy, just by itself. You can
also help this process by collecting the seed.
This is best done on the end of July,
Use the seeds of the seedpods. Collect the
seeds just before the time the seed pods will burst.
Keep the seed in a dry place. The seeds need
frost to germinate, this can be simulated by
putting the seed in a refrigerator.
And for a high germination :
After sowing the seed in the compost soil cover
those seeds with a thin layer of sand or earth.