Honey locust or Gleditsia triacanthos

Honey locust

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The honey locust

The Honey locust is a fast growing tree with long.
thorns on the trunk. This tree has very small cream-
colored flowers that have a strong scent .
In fall, the leaves turn yellow. Honeylocust
(Gleditsia triacanthos) is not related
to black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia).
Not all the honey locust have thorns:
Thornless honey locust is called
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis.

The seeds

The Honey Locust has long seeds that form in
the summer. At the end of fall the seeds can still
be seen hanging.

Honey locust on a graveyard in fall : the seeds are
still on the tree.

The wood

The wood of the Honey locust is strong and can be
polished. Honeylocust is a beautiful wood
with a light grain. The sapwood is a bright yellow
and the heart is light brown with swirls of dark red.
It has a strange and hard to define fragrance.
It can be used for outdoor purpose, like
outdoor furniture. It can be used for outdoor purpose,
like outdoor furniture. It is good hardwood.
But there are to little trees to have an wood
industrie based upon it.

    There are many cultivars without thorns
    of the Honey locust.


    This list gives an indication of the quality as a firewood

    Alder fastburning, good firewood.

    Birch good , but burns fast

    Horse chestnut bad quality firewood, hard to ignite.

    Beech very good, but need to be very dry.

    Oak very good

    Lime good.

    Ashvery good firewood

    Mulberry very good , but hard to get

    monkey puzzle woodbad firewood, don't use it

    White poplar smokes, bad firewood

    Black locust or Robiniavery good and exspensive.

    Walnut good , but hard to get

    Yew good.

    Larch bad firewood.

    flowers on the grave

    These flowers are often used on graveyards:

    European Columbine

    Lily of the Valley

    Sedum acre


    Ajuga repens


    Skimmia Japonica


    Geranium macrorrhizum


    Geranium phaeum

    Pachysandra terminalis

    Honey locust

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