Ramsons, buckrams, wild garlic, wood garlic or Allium ursinum

Ramsons or Wild garlic

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The wild garlic appears early in the spring
on the bottom of the wood. They can easely be
found by their characteristic strong garlic
smell. Wild garlic flowers wild bright white
flowers early in spring, and is a good groundcover.

Wild garlic in recipes

Wild garlic tastes like union and garlic combined.
It is used in salats and soups and bread.
Bärlauchbrot (Zwiebelenbrot) is common in the
south of Germany. Use the young leaves only,
the leaves change of taste after the flowering
period and even get poisionous.

Ramsons and Lily of the Valley

Ramsons and Lily of the valley are very alike,
they can be found on the same places at the
same time of the year. But ramsons have that
typically garlic smell, makes them easy to
distinguish rom the poisionous Lily of the valley.

Some other names for ramsons

Ramsons have many different names, the wildflower
populair common names are referring to its garlic smell:
stink bombs, stink plant, stinking nanny, devil's posy.

Ramsons in the woods.

    Ramsons or Allium ursinum.

    Onion or Alium

    There are many kinds of onions:

    Bulb unions, garlic, red and yellow unions,
    ornamental unions.
    The union grow mostly from bulbs, but from
    seeds is also possible. The bulb of the union
    is the foodstorage. In spring it is used
    to start growing before the leaves on the
    trees appear.

    Ornamental union
    few-flowered garlic

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