Spring crocus or Dutch crocus
The spring crocus is the flower that announce the
announced. Usely they start flowering before Easter.
It is this small bulb that is planted
in parks and gardens and comes in four colors:
purple, white, white with purple and yellow stripes.
The crocus has bright yellow colored stamens.
Crocus can grow well in pots.
Giant dutch crocus cultivars
crocus ‘Pickwick’ is a violet striped crocus and very popular.
 The spring crocus.

A striped spring crocus

The bulbs all have different shapes.
1 narcissus
2 Garden Hyacinth
3 tulip
4 crocus
5 common snowdrop
The propagation of crocus
The most important way of repropuction is with
the use of its bulb. This way of propagation
is the vegativ way, producing identical
offspring. In fall the bulb of the crocus
is the start of many small bulbs or bilbulbs
growing on the top of the mother bulb. These
small bulbs are sometimes callrd bilbulbs.
The bilbulbs are the start of the new plant with
thin leaves. This new plant feeds itself
by the use of the bulb to wich the are connected
by small roots.
The bilbulbs form also are roots. These roots
will pull the bilbulbs deeper into the earth
out of the reach of mice and birds. This
happens during summertime.

The crocus bulb, mice love spring crocus
the bilbulbs can be seen above the bulb.

lasagna method
This a way to put bulbs in a pot.
Put a layer of buls on a layer of mulch
in a large pot. These bulbs a those that
will flower the last, usually tulp and
decorativ unions
Next layers are narcis , hyacint
or crocus
The last layer will flower firstly :
galanthus nivalis, or
In this way you will have a three months flowering period.