Hart's tongue fern
This evergreen fern can be found in woods and on limestone
rocks and walls. Its a very winterhardy fern and very nice
for a place in the shadow in youre garden.

The Tongue fern

the spores are visible and are placed in lines
on the underside of the large leaves. Unripe spores
are covered with a veil (indusium), but that veil
is removed so the spore are ready to be blown away
and spread by the wind.
Most Ferns grow on the bottum of the wood, the main
reason is that ferns avoid dry periods.
in moist soil and in the shadow of the trees.(a aquarel of Vogel from 1911)
1Bracken (Pteridium aquilinium).
2Polypodium vulgare
3Male fern (Polystichum Filix-mas).
4Common lady fern (Athyrium Filix femina).
5Hart's tong fern (Scolopondrium vulgare).
1Fly Amananita
the birds is a Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius)