common Polypody
A small evergreen fern that can be found on dry places ,
like dunes, rocks, walls and also in the near of an oak.
Spores can be found on the underside of the leaflets.
This is a very strong fern , capable to grow on
almst every soil , in sun and shadow and even in
youre room. Its is more resitant to drought then
other ferns and grows on places were the roots have
only little space, like on walls and rocks.

The common polypody grows on a branch of a tree, its roots
need only a small space to grow.

The common polypody on the end of the summer , the spores
can be easely seen on the underside of the leaves, they can
be seen on the upperside of the leave.

1 These leaves unfoil in the next season.
2 The thick rhizome, scars of old leaves can be seen. It can
be eaten and tastes first sweet and later bitterly
3 The spores grow on the underside of this leave without any protection.
Common polypody and other ferns.
The leaves are stronger , thicker and smaller then the
other ferns that grow in the woods.
Those thick leaves make it possible for the common polypody
to grow on dunes.