Kopjesbekermos of Cladonia fimbriata
Cladonia fimbriata

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Cladonia fimbriata

A very commen Cladonia's that grows on almost every
It is hard to distinguish them from other Cladonia's
But the tallus is relativly smooth.

cladonia fimbriata on a roof made of reed

    On a roof one can find Cladonia fimbriata on reed

    Cladonia wonderland on a roof made of reed, one can see
    Cladonia fimbriata, Cladonia glauca and Cladonia floerkeana.


    Lichen can grow on places were the green plants can't survive:
    They can be found on the Southpole, in the desert,
    and high in the mountains.


    Lichen consist of a fungus and an algae, its a symbiotic relation: The fungus can't survive without the algae, but the alg can live
    without the fungus. Most lichen live from the air, they don't
    have roots to take up nutrients.
    The small roots (rhizines) only function is to attach the lichen
    to the substrate.
    Lichen are very sensitiv for (air)pollution.

    Cladonia's on a old roof made of reed

    One can find on a old roof made of reed: fungi, algae, mosses and lichen; the Cladonia's:

    Cladonia glauca

    Cladonia floerkeana

    Cladonia fimbriata

    Lichen on this website:

    Cladonia fimbriata
    Cladinia coccifera
    Sunburst lichen
    Hypogymnia physodes
    Cladonia foliacea
    British soldier
    Parmalia saxatilis
    Reindeer lichen
    Peltiger necken
    Evernia prunastri

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