marsh snail

Sloot | Waterplant | Levend Voer | Noordzee | Worm Slak | Vlinders | Kever | Spin | Vogel | Tuin | groenten | overige
Bomen A-L | Bomen M-Z | Kruiden | Wilde planten A-D | Wilde planten E-M | Wilde planten N-S | Wilde planten T-X | Klimplant | Varen | Zwam | Korstmos |

the marsh snail

The marsh snail has a length up to 2 centimeters.
It lives near the ditch or pond. This animal lives
on the land , but sometimes remains in the water for some days.

the marsh snail in greenhouses

The marsh snail is an important pest in
greenhouses. Here it shows a great resistence
against mesuremnts against snail. This has
probably to do with the great variation that
the marsh snail shows in reproduction.

slug control

have a look at black slug