Great ramshorn or Planorbarius corneus

Great ramshorn

The ditch | Waterplants | Marshes | living food | Northsea | Worms | Snails | Butterflies | Bugs | Spiders | Dragonfly | Flies | Birds | mosses | Flowers |
Trees 1 | Trees 2 | Herbs | Wild flowers A-D | Wilde flowers E-M | Wilde flowers N-S | Wilde flowers T-X | Climbers | Ferns | Fungus | Lichen |

The great Ramshorn

The Great Ramshorn is a big snail that lives in
pond and ditch . These snail is very usefull as it
eats algae that blur youre vision as these algae
Z grow on the window of youre aquarium. In fact, it's
hard to imagine an native aquarium without
the ramshorn snail.

Here the great ramshorn shows that the wall of its house
is very thin , almost transparant.

Great ramshorn

Planorbarius Corneus