great red slugs (Arion rufus)

the tiger snail (1), the great red slug (2).
brown lipped snail(3),wood snail (4), edible snail (5), White-lipped snail (cepaea hortensis).(6) .

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Red Slug (Arion rufus)

The red slug is the most common of all the slugs.
They come in many colors: red, orange, and brown
are all possible.
The black sludge is closely related.
These slugs can become quit big.
They eat everything preferable youre vegetables.

A small Zoo in youre garden

cross spider
edible snail
red sludge

A Red slug on a plastic bin, it avoids the sharp brim.

Anatomy of the great red slug.

A large slug with a beautiful colored texture on its
skin. A nice photo made by Arie Eikelboom.

The Red slug or Arion ater rufus.
A photo made by Jaap

illustrations of A.E. Brehm

Alfred Brehm (1829-1884) is of the writer
"Tierleben " or Brehms "Life of animals".
The illustrations from this book can be found here:

snails and slugs
Red Squirrel
bumble bees
been weevil
great pond snail
ground beetles
crested newt
man of war
seastars and bristle stars
porpita porpita and Velella
precious coral
feather duster worm or Spirographis spallanzi

illustrations from Brehm:

bumble bee
Aquatic sowbug
ruby-tailed wasp

    a live as a Slug

    The biggest danger for the Red slug is loosing water.
    Both by evaporation, and by moving: they produces a
    trail of water/slime.
    For this reason the Red sludge is only activ at night
    or early in the morning. At daytime they hides in
    a hole.

    enemies of the Red slug

    the biggest enemies are birds, but the
    tigersnail, another slug will eats the red
    sludge also.

    red slug in the terrarium

    These slug giants are friendly inhabitants in youre
    terrarium feeding on vegetable, they love lettuce.
    If you give them lettuce they wont eat youre plants.

    snails and sluges in the wood, a illustration from Brehm:

    1 garden snail (white)

    2 garden snail

    3 grey garden slug (Limax agrestis), adult and young snails

    4 bulliminus

    5 Leopart slug linux maximus

    6 Helix nemoralis

    7 Helix nemoralis

    8 red slug
    (Arion rufus)

    9 helix personata

    10the Burgundy snail, edible snail


    12black slug
    (Arion ater)

    13the round-mouthed snail (Pomatias elegans)

    14Tiger beetle

    1 woodland strawberry

    2 dandelion

    3 penny bun, porcino or cep

    growing vegetables and slugs

    Slugs prefer young plants, and eat a lot of them
    every night. They make a sceletion of a leave: the
    veins are not eaten. They makes holes in leaves, only
    eaten the soft parts.

    The battle against the red slug.

    All you always wanted to know
    about snails and slugs

    Great Pond Snail.
    The Red Slug
    Great ramshorn
    Leopard slug
    Brown lipped snail
    Edible snail
    Amber snail
    Brown garden snail
    Marsh snail
    Grey field slug

    Sea snails

    Pelican's foot

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