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A herb that has thick yellow-white thick roots that
are used for its sharp taste. The taste is caused by
volatile oils (isothiocyanate) that release when
those roots are chopped. Vinegar stops this reaction
and stabilizes the flavor. So all uses of horseradish
in sauces you need to add vinegar , giving it a milder

Horseradish in the garden

The horseradish is very easely cultivated. It uses
mainly its large rhizomes for propagation, and they
can are easely be digged out at the start of the fall.
To start new plants only a small part of these roots
have to be used. Plant those roots at the start of the
spring. Don't plant to many of horseradish,
you only need one or two plants for youre own use.

The caterpillar of the Large White feeds
on the leaves of the horseradish.
A nice photo made by Dirk Van Esbroeck.

Horseradish harvesting

Horseradish roots can be digged out in Septembre or.
later, the frost can kill the leaves and make
easier. Remember that the roots can only be used
freshly for a period up to three weeks in the
fridge, don't store them for longer periods
as there taste will vanish. Keep it in a tightly
covered jar to protect its freshness.

Wasabi or Japanese horseradish

The taste of Wasabi is exactly the same but stronger.
Wasabi grows in running water, like little streams
and will not grow in standing water (like ricefields).

It plays an important role in the Japanese kitchen.
Sushi is always eaten with a bit of wasabi.

Horseradish as a weed

Horseradish can easely bocome a weed, only small parts
of its rhizome are enough for a new plant. Dig all the
roots out and remove them by hand.


sea kale
black Tuscany kale

    Horseradish or Cochlearia armoracia, The german name
    is "Meerretich", meaning "larg radish" (and not sea radish).
    The Kren is the Austrian horseradish with smaller leaves.

    Freshly digged horseradish.

    Horseradish homemade sauce, cooked in vinegar, red beets are
    added to give it some color. (Jubilee market London)


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