"op de heide", een schoolplaat van M.A. Koekkoek.
1 Wood mouse (Apodemus sylvatica),2 viper or adder(Vipera berus),3 Sand lizard (Lacerata agilis),4 Slow worm(Anguis fragilis),
5 Honey bee(Apis mellifica),6 wasp (Vespa vulgaris), 7 Dung beetle (Geotrupes stercorarius),8 Meadow brown (Maniola jurtina),
9 Grasshopper (Lacusta viridissima),10Silver studded blue (Plebeius argus),11Red-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius)
1 bracken (pteris aquilinum),2 Common male fern (Polystichum filix-mas),3 heither or ling (Calluna vulgaris)
4 heaths or heathers (Erica tetralis),5 common sundew (Drosera rotundifolia),6 common hair cap (Polytrichum commune),7 marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe)

Sloot | Waterplant | Levend Voer | Noordzee | Worm Slak | Vlinders | Kever | Spin | Vogel | Tuin | groenten | overige
Bomen A-L | Bomen M-Z | Kruiden | Wilde planten A-D | Wilde planten E-M | Wilde planten N-S | Wilde planten T-X | Klimplant | Varen | Zwam | Korstmos |

Marsh Gentian

A mall but beautiful and scarce marsh plant,
with trompetshaped blue flowers, cover with a green
line on the outside of these flowers.
Marsh gentian grows on wet ground or in marshes,

The Marsh gentian flowers during the whole summer.
It's them pollinated by Bumblebees and butterflies.

The seed looses its power when stored for longer times, and can
best sown in the next spring. Germination only starts
ather a freezing period.

The blue gentian with a Large Carder-bee, Moss Carder-bee (Bombus muscorum)
A painting made at the fin du siecle by Jac. P. Thijsse.

    The marsh gentian

    The beautiful flowers of the Marsh gentian,.

    illustrations made by Jac.P.Thijse

    On this website you can see many illustrations
    and prints used in the books of Jac.P.Thijsse,
    He wrote about the nature in the Netherlands and Belgium.

    Common frog
    Crested tit
    Fly amanita
    Blue gentian

    Blue flowers

    These blue flowers can be found on this website

    corn flower
    Mars gentian
    Orange eye or butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii
    catnip, catmint (Nepeta × faassenii)
    Common Hyacinth,

    visitors: English English |

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