bog-bean, buckbean or Menyanthes trifoliata

bog-bean, buckbean

The ditch | Waterplants | Marshes | living food | Northsea | Worms | Snails | Butterflies | Bugs | Spiders | Dragonfly | Flies | Birds | mosses | Flowers |
Trees 1 | Trees 2 | Herbs | Wild flowers A-D | Wilde flowers E-M | Wilde flowers N-S | Wilde flowers T-X | Climbers | Ferns | Fungus | Lichen |


The bog-bean is a fast growing waterplant that forms long
horizontal rhizomes with trifoliate leaves.

The Bog-bean in april.

The Bog-bean in may.

Flowering of bog-bean

The flowering is early in spring with
red buds that changes into white flowers.

Dotterbloem, Waterdrieblad en holpijp in mei
in een duinpoeltje, waterdrieblad groeit hier zowel op de
oever als in het water.

Marsh-Marigold, bog-bean and water horsetail in May
in the dunes.

bug-bean on an illustarion from the book
"in sloot en plas" , made by Thijsse in 1914 Thijsse (1914).