watertiger or waterbeetle or Dysticus Marginalis

Water beetle

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Pondlife in a healthy pond.
1 Edible frog (Rana esculenta)
2 Brown frag (Rana temporalis)
3 Frogfish
4 great diving beetle (Dytiscus marginalis)
5 Waterspider (Argyroneta aquatica)
6 common newt (Triturus vulgaris)
7 European grass snake (Natix natrix)
8 larval stage of Caddisflies or sedge-flies (Trichoptera)
1 Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)
2 spatterdock or yellow water-lily (Nuphar luteum)
3Common Water Crowfoot (Batrachium aquatilis)
4 Water-starwort or water-chickweed. (Callitriche verna)

This larvae is waiting for
a tadpole , a newt or a finger.

The head with the large jaws. It bites everything that moves.
This watertiger has just killed an eat another waterbeetle.

In the 19century this clever
instrument was used to research
the oxygen intake of the watertiger.

    The diving waterbeetle

    Dysticus Marginalis

    Its a big beetle that lives in the water, just like its larvae.
    The beetle uses it big legs to swim and hunt with great speed.
    No other animals is save for it, as it catches everything that
    moves, that way it's called "watertiger".
    But they are also able to fly for miles. In this way
    they can end in your pond, eating youre fish!
    It has almost no enemies, only the stickelbacks
    attack the larvae. The beetle does eat fish food pellets,
    like Tertramin. But prefers living food, like tadpoles.
    There are many different waterbeetles or Dystidiae,
    some of them living in brackish water.

    water beetle control

    The waterbeetle can eat all youre fish, frogs and newys if
    there are to many of them. Lucky it has some enemies , but
    only a few . stickelbacks will eat the the larv , but only
    if they are small.
    Sunfishes will save youre pond, they are afraid for nothing.
    Never buy two Sunfishes, otherwise an invasion of sunfishes
    follows. But one sunfish is ok , if youre pond is small the
    sunfish remains small.

    This insect breaths with the end
    of its body and is able to stay
    2 minutes completely submerged.
    Thanks to Rob
    write to: adria

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