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The Magnolia flowers early in spring with large
white and pink flowers. But those magnolias that
flowers early are also the most vulnerable for
frostdamage: the flowerbuds discolor brown by the
frost. Some cultivars flowers in summer with much
smaller danger for frost damage.
The flowerperiod of magnolia is short. The Magnolia
grows in almost every soil. Be careful if you
transplant a Magnolia as the thick roots easely break.,br> Snoeien kan het beste gebeuren na de bloeiperiode.
Pruning is best done after the flowering.

cultivars of Magnolia

The most popular is the Magnolia x Soulangiana,
with pink or white flowers, this shrub will reach a
height of 6 meters and flowers early in the spring.
voorjaar bloeit .

Magnolia's for the garden

Magnolia x Loebmeri "Leonard Messel" gets 5 meter high.
This winterhardy magnolia is winterhardy has pink
flowers with a white core.

small Magnolias

Magnolia Stellata gets only 3 meter high, it has
a strong fragrance produced by its white flowers
in the shape of an asterix.
Magnolia Stellata "Rosea" has pink flowers.

Magnolias that flowers in the summer

Magnolia grandiflora is a large tree whith large white
flowers. This tree is a great street tree with dark
green oval flowers.

Magnolia lilliflora "Nigra" is a small shrub that
flowers with large dark purple flowers.
Magnolia stellata x lilliflora "Susan" is a small
cultivar with purple flowers.
M sinense abundantly flowers with white flowers.
with a strng fragrance at the start of the summer.

    The flowers of Magnolia x Soulangiana appear before the first
    leaves early in spring

    The flowersbuds of Magnolia salicifolia.

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