Cosmea or Cosmos
This elegant plant is great for the annual border.
It blooms from summer to fall with a large flower
on a long stem. As it is very easy in cultevation
and sowing cosmea is populair in the childern garden.
Flowering and sawing
When sawn in februari flowering starts at the start of
the summer. But mostly Cosmea is sown in april or march
and will flower in the summertime. Its better not to use
very rich soil as cosmos will make a lot of leaves but
little flowers.
cosmos and butterflies
Cosmea is known for its ability to attract a lot of
butterflies and bees.
There are many annual cultivars:
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Dazzler' : orange flowers
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Orange rufflers' : orange flowers on a long (1 meter) stem
Cosmos bipinnatus 'sensation': from white to red flowers.
Cosmos 'Snow sonata': with white daisylike flowers.
The Cosmea sulphoreus (Sulpher cosmos) need far more warmth and
have orange or yellow flowers.
Cosmos sulphereus 'Crest lemon': lemon colored flowers on a long stem

Cosmea bipinnatus
The annual border
Cosmea is graet in the annual border and can be
nicely combined with Zinnia's and Cornflower.

Happy with a zucchini and flowers raised by herself.
magic beans