Hemp agrimony
Eupatorium cannabinum
A very common perennial herbaceous flowering plant, with
beautiful pink flowers. At the end of the summer it shows its
flowers ,producing a impressive pink carpet.
This plant thrives on everyground but prefers moist soil. Full
sunlight or shadow is both tolerated.
toppled by the wind
Eupatorium can get high at the end of the summer, to avoid
toppling by strong winds its need some bamboo support.
- Eupatorium purpureum : By far the most popular cultivar and
is good for small gardens , up to 2 meter high.
- Eupatorium fistulosum "Filigrankuppel": very beautiful cultivar
- Eupatorium maculatum Atropurpureum has white or pink flowers
attracting amount of bees and butterflies.
-Eupatorium fistulosum "Filigrankuppel", has gorgeous clusters
of dull pink flowers.
- Eupatorium rugosum ‘Chocolate’. has brown flowers , a
strange look in youre garden.

A border with Hemp agrimony


Eupatorium cannabinum gets 2 meter high.