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St John's wort or hypericum perforatum

A perinnial plant with fine, beautiful yellow flowers.
It has a use a ground cover, but most important for
the production of a anti-depressive drug, hypericine.
The smell of the leaves of St. John's Wort is slightly
sweet and bitter.


The seeds can be used as soon as it is ripe
in the spring. The seed need to have a short
froozen period before it can be sow in a greenhouse.
The seedlings can be put in there definite
positions in summertime.

St John's wort as an anti-depressivum

In case of a mild depression and anxiety one can
use Hypericum extract obtained from H. perforatum
nut its still unclear if it has a more benefit effect
then a regular anti-depressivum like prozac.
Case studies didn't show a hiher evidence for efficacy
then the use of a placebo in severe depression.
So in case of a severe depression, go to youre doctor
and follow its advise. Optimal dosage for mild depression an anxiety is
three times daily a tablet of 300mg containing 0.3%
hypericine, for example Dr Vogels Hypericum
forte tablets 275mg contains 0.33mg Hypericine
and this will do the job.

St John's wort as a drying flower

If St John's wort is used as an drying flower it
will produce an incense scent.

St John's wort as an massage-oil

If you put the leaves of the flowers in olive oil,
the color of the oil changes in red, producing a
lovely tintling massage-oil. its not adviced to
lay in the sun with this oil on youre body.

St John's wort as a thea

All the leaves of the plant must be dried , but
without the stem. The leaves should be dried in
the dark , as light will inactivate the anti-
depressive agents. The thea has an light parfum
taste and a light yellow color. The thea is often
mixed with limeflower leaves to enhance the taste.

    Yellow flowers

    Some yellow flowers resemble each other,
    which is a problem as Ragwort and St Johnswort
    are dangerous for cattle and humans.
    Take a look at:

    Yellow Chamomile




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