he Old men's beard is a common woody climbing vine,
very common on chalcky grounds and in forests.
Old men's beard is a very fast growing vine, that
twist and turn in to trees and hedges. It flowers
in the summer and forms a lot of hairy seeds that
are transported by air.
Clematis Do en Don't
- About pruning: although there is much written
about pruning of the clematis, there is only
one easy rule: Prune the clematis as much that
is necessary but after the flowering.
- About fertilazing: Yes, the clematis is
fast grower and uses much fertilizer, so for
a lot of flowers fertilize your clematis 3
times a year.
But ask for a fertizer with low Nitrogenn (N)
as it is this stuff that makes your clematis
grow, not flower.
- About the sun: yes ,the underside of youre
clematis is sensitiv for sun burn, but do not
never put a roof tile at the base of youre
clematis, that will make things only worse.
There are more then 1500 cultivars of the clematis.
The Clematis armandii is an evergreen clematis.
The Clematis montana is a fast growing clematis,
good for covering ugly walls.
The flowers of the Old men's beard have a unpleasant
smell. The hairy seeds of Old men's beard.
The seeds are formed in large amounts,
Climbing plants use other plants or rocks for support.