Aster novae-angliae
There are more then 200 Asters known in Holland
and Belgium, two can be seen as a field flower:
Aster novo-belgii and the Aster novae-angliae.
Take a look at Asteracaea to see the
Aster-famiy that are used in the garden.
The flowering period is on the end of the summer
and fall.

Aster novae-angliae
Aster novae-angliae cultivars
These cultivars are wellknown:
Aster novae-angliae 'Andenken an Alma Pötschke'
has large pink flowers.
Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' has many
large violet flowers and is little affected
by diseases.
Aster in fall
Most of the Aster that bloom in fall originate from
the Aster novae-angliae and the Aster nova=belgii.
The Aster novae produces cultivars with hairy leaves.
The Aster nova-belgii has smooth leaves.