Hop or Humulus lupulus<br><br>


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Hop or Humulus lupulus

A fast growing perennial climbing plant, it grows with an
unbelievable speed of halve a meter a week.
It also produces rhizomes that survive the winter and forms new roots every

The use of hop

Hop is a good alternative for Ivy or Japanese creeper
if you want to cover a wall or fence in youre garden.

On the end of summer this hopplant starts flowering.

These are the female flowers, mostly called hops. They are used
to give beer its beerish taste.

drying hop

Hops produce a very nice fragrance, so if you dry the hops
do it in youre lving room.

1 pea (pisum sativum)
2 common flax (Linum usitatissimum)
3 hemp (cannabis sativa)
4 Common hop ( Humulus lupulus)
5 Common chicory ( Cichorium intybus)
6 Fuller's Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum)
7 rapeseed (Brassica napus)
8 Corn Buttercup (Ranunculus arvensis)
9 Larkspur (Consolida regalis or Delphinium consolida)
10Summer pheasant's-eye (Adonis aestivalis)



Hop tea can be made by chopping Fresh hops and put
them into boiled water , wait for 10 minutes. the hoptea
produced this way has a rather strange but lovely taste,
but is also bitter. For this reason a lot of sugar is added.
But the hops can also be combined by Mint leaves.
Remember that there are very great differences in taste
between the many hop cultivars.