Scots pine
This is a very common tree, that grows on very poor and dry grounds
The Scots pine has a long and deep reaching root system that
provides the tree with water in dry area's. For this reason , the Scots
pine can be found in dunes.
The Scots pine as a reclamation plant
The Scots pine is able to grow on very poor and dry grounds .
for this reason the tree can be found in barren area's
like sandgrounds or dunes.

The germination of the seed of the Scots pine.
the wood of the Scots pine
The Scots pine has been planted mainly for its strong
wood used for general purposes.
The leaves of the Scots pine
The leaves or needles of the Scots pine are green- bluei in color
but change in yellow or deep green during wintertime.
The Scots pine as an ornamental tree
This tree is not really a beauty. But it can be found on graveyards
because it can grow in a twisted and in a broad way.
The Scots pine as a Bonsai tree
The seedlings of a Scots pine are very well adapted
for a live as a Bonsai tree.
The Scots pine
Scots pine.
The scots pine in november, with early snow.
The Scotspine is very winterhardy.