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lemna minor

The smallets floating plant, with only one root. It's the fast growing
plant on earth, it can reduplicate in four days!
A blanket of duckweed can easely block the surface of a pond
channel or lake.

The Duckweed envirronment, a plate from 1924
1 Waterlilly (Nymphea alba)
2 Common Water-crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis)
3 Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
4 Parrot feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)
5 Frogbit or Waterpoppy (Hydrorchis morsis)
6 Pondweed ( Potamogetum natans)
7 Callitiche sagittifolia
8 Duckweed (lemna minor)
9 Grote wegbree (Alisma plantago)
10Arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia)
11Spargonium ramosum
12Iris (Iris pseudocorus)
13Yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris)
14Cattails(Typha latifolia)
15Cowbane, Northern Water hemlock (Cicuta virosa)
16Flowering rush or Grass rush, (Butomus umbellatus)
17Reed( Phragmites communis)
18Beautiful Demoiselle ( Calopteryr virgo) , mannetje

duckweed aquaculture

It grows 20 time faster then corn,and it takes more phosphorus
and nitrate in then every other waterplants including the algae.
In this way it can be used for cleaning polluted water (biological cleaning).
Duckweeds are now used in Bangla Desh and Yemen for water cleaning.
As a natural water purifier, it removes as much as 99 per cent of the
nutrients and total dissolved solids in wastewater. It also reduces the acidity
of water.

a promising new commercial aquaculture crop.

These plants are highly prolific combined with a high protein content.
Fresh duckweed plants appear to be a complete nutritional package for carp
It therefore can be used as fishfood or, of course, duck food or as an
organic fertiliser. Duckweed can be eaten but it has has little taste of itself,
Its solid fraction has about the same quantity and quality of protein as soybean meal,
and it grows 20 time faster then corn . It tollarates even highly polluted water,
but in that situation the plant produces only short roots
These roots have the function of anchor,and are not used for taking up minerals.

-1 Watermites
-2 Cristella mucedo, a a bryozoan.
-3 Hydra
-4 Piscicola, a leech.
-5 Branchipus schaefferi, a fairy shrimp
-6 Plumatella, a bryozoan.
-7 Apus, a arthropod
-8 Planorbis planorbis, a snail
-9 Stickelback
-1 Duckweed
-2 Frogbite

Ecological cleaning of aquaria

In this way it can also be used for cleaning an aquarium without the using
of mechanical pumps. These pumps filter out the microscopic live completely

between the roots of the duck weed waits a glassworm on its prey.

preventing algae growth

If a green blanket of duckweed covers the water's surface then algae growth is
strongly reduced as the duckweed prevents sunlight from reaching the water, and so
paritaly stops photosynthesis and major oxygen production by the algae.

Growing conditions

Sunlight and a phosfor and nitrogen makes this plant grow
rapidly, even in brakkish or highly polluted water.
Wind and streaming water prevent the growth, as the roots
do not reach the bottom.
The spread to other ponds is mostly done by ducks
and other aquatic birds.

During Wintertime

Wenn it starts freezing it sinks to bottom, in this way protecting itself.