oakmoss, Mousse de chene, treemoss


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This is lichen that grows on oaks, but can also be found on
pine trees. It grows on the bark and branches with small,
strap-like thalli.


The growth of oakmoss is inhibited by ammonia.
Ammonia is produced by cattle.So oakmoss can be
Zfound in woods or on Islands with little cattle.


oakmoss on a oak

Oakmoss oil

Oakmoss yield a resin used in perfumery. Its used in
chypre-type perfums. Chypre was invented and named by
parfumeur François Coty. Chypre parfums nowadays contain
much lesser Oakmoss oil as the import is restricted.
Chanel no 5 contains oakmoss oil .

oakmoss absolue

The oakmoss absolue is the most important product
made from oakmoss. It is used in chypre parfums.


    Lichen can grow on places were the green plants can't survive:
    They can be found on the Southpole, in the desert,
    and high in the mountains.


    Lichen consist of a fungus and an algae, its a symbiotic relation: The fungus can't survive without the algae, but the alg can live
    without the fungus. Most lichen live from the air, they don't
    have roots to take up nutrients.
    The small roots (rhizines) only function is to attach the lichen
    to the substrate.
    Lichen are very sensitiv for (air)pollution.


    An absolute is an oily mixture used as a fragrance
    in a parfum. Oils are extracted by using steam,
    an absolute is produced by solvent extraction br> techniques:

    absolute production

    The production of absolute start by dissolving the plant
    in hexane. After evaporating the hexane a "concrete"
    remains. The concrete is dissolved in alcohol,
    The alcohol is evaporaed and the remaining is called :
    "Absolute" . Absolute is the basic for the production
    of exspensive parfums..
    The most well known absoltes are:

Lichen on this website:

Pixie cup lichen
Red pixie cup
Yellow scale
Hypogymnia physodes
Cladonia foliacea
British soldier
Parmelia saxatilis
Reindeer moss
Neckers Felt Lichen

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