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1: Field poppy (Papaver Rhoas)
2: Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
3: Mayweed (Matricaria chamomilla)
4: Corn Chamomile (Anthemis arvensis)
5: Perennial sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis)
6: Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
7: Corn salad (Valerianella olitoria)

The seedbox of the papaver somniferum or opium poppy.

Papaver rheoas

Growing poppies

Poppies grow on the poorest soil, adding fertilizer won't let
them grow quicker, but other weeds will profite from it.
Most important: the seeds will only germinate if they are
exposed to light, so don't put them in the ground but
on it and keep the soil loosly.

Papaver orientale

A papaver that grows in the middle-east and very resistent
against dryness and hot temperatures. The flowers are mostly
orange but there are many cultivars in other colors.
The papaver orientale flowers in the mid of the summer.

A cultivar of the Papaver orientale is the "Coral reef"
There are very many cultivars of the Papaver orientale,
in the colors pink , red and white .

Papaver somniferum or opium papaver


    The corn poppy can be abundant in the fields, and thrives in sunny periods on
    poor grounds. Poppy and Ryegrow
    on the same places.
    These are the poppies of the Netherlands:
    1 The field poppy or corn poppy : Papaver Rheoas. This is the most abundant poppy.
    The flowers are red and the pollen are blue.
    2 The opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, is grown for opium and poppy-seed,
    the flowers are white and the pollen are dark blue. Those poppy-seeds are
    used in salads.

    >These seeds boxes are typical for the papaver somniferum.

    strong points of the poppy

    The poppy grows on the poorest soil and is resitent against heat
    and dreight. The seeds remain fertile for more then
    a hundred years.

    A classic photo.

    Corn poppies can change the color of a field into red.

    Corn Poppies (Papaver rhoas) are part of the weeds that grow between

    The seeds pods of the corn poppy (Papaver rheoas)between rye and
    Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum ).

    The Papaver (Papaver orientale) in its natural habitat.
    The papaver grows without the need to use fertilizer and is very
    common in the Middle-East. (Armenia)

    flowers on the grave

    Common haircap on a grave ornament, with thanks to Natalie Overkamp, info@zebrablauw.nl

    Convallaria majalis

    sedum acre


    ajuga repens

    Common haircap

    Skimmmia Japonica


    Geranium phaeum

    Geranium macrorrhizum

    Pachysandra terminalis



    Growing between the rey

    On fields with rey some plants
    can be found, adapted to poor grounds
    and the fast growing ray.
    These plants were once very common, there
    seeds mixed with the rey. But nowadays the
    rye has almost dissapeared and there
    has been much technical progression in
    removing those out of the rey.
    Creeping thistle
    Field Bindweed
    Corn flower
    Forking Larkspur
    Ranunculus arvensis
    Scarlet Pimpernel

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