1: Field poppy (Papaver Rhoas)
2: Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
3: Mayweed (Matricaria chamomilla)
4: Corn Chamomile (Anthemis arvensis)
5: Perennial sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis)
6: Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
7: Corn salad (Valerianella olitoria)

The seedbox of the papaver somniferum or opium poppy.

Papaver rheoas
Growing poppies
Poppies grow on the poorest soil, adding fertilizer won't let
them grow quicker, but other weeds will profite from it.
Most important: the seeds will only germinate if they are
exposed to light, so don't put them in the ground but
on it and keep the soil loosly.
Papaver orientale
A papaver that grows in the middle-east and very resistent
against dryness and hot temperatures. The flowers are mostly
orange but there are many cultivars in other colors.
The papaver orientale flowers in the mid of the summer.

A cultivar of the Papaver orientale is the "Coral reef"
There are very many cultivars of the Papaver orientale,
in the colors pink , red and white .

Papaver somniferum or opium papaver