Hornwortceratophyllum demersum
Engels: Common Hornwort
Hornwort is a beautiful submerged fastgrowing waterplant with featery
leaves. It doesn't form any roots and is mostly free floating.
It has some great futures and thats is why you could use
it in youre aquarium.
Hornwort and algae
Hornwort has some ways to prevent the growing of algae in youre pond
or aquarium: Its poduces a substance to prevent the growing of algae
(this is called allelopathic behaviour). It grows fast thus blocking
sunlight that otherwise would be usefull for algae. It inhibits the
growth of algae because it consumes nutrients in the water.
It increases the PH of the pond or aquarium. It filters small
particels out of the water, making it more clear.

A Common frog swimming above Hornwort,
Hornwort is the fastest way to clean a pond and transparant
Although not very well understood, the reason for this clening
are the Infusoria attached
to the leaves and stem of Hornwort.

A tadpole between the leaves.
with thanks to adri

Small frogfish, just born , feed on algae on the
leaves of hornwort.

Traditionally, Hornwort is used to demonstrate the
production of oxygen in classroom demonstration.
The produced oxygen is collected in the test-tube.