1: Water horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile)
2: Mare's Taillidsteng(Hippuris vulgaris),
3: water chestnut(trapa natans),
4: Limnanthemum indicum

The stem is hollow and transparant.
Water horsetail
Equisetum fluviatile
A horsetail that prefers shallow water and ditches.
Its entirely hollow and starts growing early in spring.

reproduction of the waterhorsetail
The fastest way to reproduce is by rhizomes.
But during summertime seadcone appear on the top,
producing spores.

Waterhorsetail can cover shallow waters.
The spread of horsetail
It can be found in the North of Europe until
the arctic regions. Its rare in the midth of

Guttation is the forming of waterdroplets as can be seen here.
When more water is transported from the roots then evaporates,
guttation appears. with thanks to:
Victor Bos for this remarkable photo.
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