Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem or Gagea lutea

Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem

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Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem

A small, elegant plant that has a short period of growing
and flowering at the start of the spring. The flowers of the Yellow
stars of Betlehem are small and thin and dont attract much attention
The Stars of bethelehem has two ways of spreading themselves: - with the bulbs, yellow stars of Betlrhem produces a large amount
of small bulbs that can be sawn for a next generation
- By seeds, the seeds are spread by ants.

In the month March the yellow stars of Bethlehem appears on the bottom
of the damp woods.

The Yellow stars of bethlehem.

    1 Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria subsp. bulbilifer)
    2 Sweet Violet or Common Violet (viola odorata)
    3 Lesser celandine(Oxalis acetosella)
    4 Yellow Star-of-Betlehem (Gagea lutea)
    5 Woodanemoon (Anemone nemorosa)
    6 Herb Paris, True-lover's Knot (paris quadrifolia)
    7 Star of bethlehem (Stellaria media)
    8 Cleavers (Galium aparine)
    9 Yellow Archangel(Lamiastrum galeobdolon)
    10 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
    11 Woodruff (Galium odorata)
    12 Bittersweet or Bitter nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
    13 Bush Vetch (Vicia sepium)
    14 Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca)
    15 Field garlic (Allium oleraceum)
    16 Cretan bryony (Bryonia cretica)

    Introduced plants

    Some imported plants are already native in the netherlands
    for over hundred years. These plants flower very early in
    spring and most have bulbs or thick rhizomes that provide the
    extra energy to be the first in spring that flowers.
    These imported plants have dissapeared during summertime.

    Leopards bane or doronicum


    Summer snowflakeeng



    Yellow anemoan.


    Blue Anemoon (Anemone Apennina)

    Pulmonaria officinalis


    Adderwort, snakewort Polygonum bistorta


    Star of Bethlehem

    Snake Head's Fritillary
    Grecian Windflower

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