The weeping Beech became populair around the
fin du siecle. There are three cultivars, the
Pendula is the most beautiful, and also one of
the most beautiful trees in the world.
weeping beech cultivars
There are three wheeping cultivars:
- Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula': weeping Green Beech.
- Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Pendula':
Weeping Purpleleaf European Beech
Slowly growing beech with red leaves, the leaves
touches the ground. This tree needs support.
- Fagus sylvatica "Atropunica": Purple leaf European Beech
Beech with red leeves, grows not so fast as
the Fagus sylvatica 'Purpera pendulae'.
The wheeping green Beech
The wheeping green beech has a broadly squarrose
form. The leaves change of color in every season:
In spring they are dark green, in the summer
cuppergreen, in fall clear green.
At the end of fall the leaves can have tree colors
yellow, red and bright green.
The autumm leaves.
The Green wheeping beech in October,
note that the branches are
cut of near the ground to make it more easely
to maintain the grass.
The Green wheeping beech in November.
The Green wheeping beech in Januari. This tree once covered
a house.
Wheeping trees
The cultivars with the weeping forms can be found
near cemeteries and in parks, often near a pond.,br>
These cultivars are mostly called "Pendula"
There are three rules for the weeping trees:
Use solitary.
The weeping branches should touches the ground.
Under the tree there should only be grass.
The cultivars with the weeping forms can be found
near cemeteries and in parks, often near a pond.,br>
These cultivars are mostly called "Pendula"
There are three rules for the weeping trees:
Use solitary.
The weeping branches should touches the ground.
Under the tree there should only be grass.