algal bloom

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Algal bloom

Algal bloom is the rapid growth of algae in youre pond,
making it look like green soupe.
Im the summertime algae reproduce in a very fast way,
making all other live , plant or animal impossible in
the pond.
This is because the alga block the sunlight
and thus depriving the pond of oxygen.

what causes algal bloom

Basically high levels of fosfates and nitrates are
the cause of the bloom. Fosfates and nitrates are part
of fish food, dead leaves, fertilizer,etc.
The fosfate and nitrate will concentrate in the
mud on the bottom. Both algae en blue-green algae
thrive by high leves of nitrate en fosfate.

Basic rules for avoiding/removing algal bloom

Don't feed yout pond fish. Don't use fertilizer,
never, don't even think about it.
Remove the mud from the bottom of the pond.
Flush youre pond with clean water.

the natural way of avoiding algal bloom

Reed and Bulrush are the natural way
for removing a lot of nitrogen and fosfates.
Also Duckweed is a very fasy growing remover of fertilizer.
If you want to speed up things remove Reed and Bulrush at the end of

the summer, Duckweed should be removed more often using a net.
Put waterplants in youre pond, the best are Common hornwortHoornblad and Waterweed .
These waterplants produces an algae inhibiting substance.

other measurements

Koi dig for food in the muddy bottom of pond
and ditches, making the water cloudy and in that
way avoiding the sunlight to reach the lower
parts of the pond.
Straw from rye contain an
algae growing substance and also produces an
enormeous amount of microlive especially paramecium
that feeds on algae. Floating waterlants like Waterlily
and duckweed shouldnt occupie the whole surface:
no more then 30% is enough.
Tadpoles are big algae eaters but don't
combine with Koi and Carp Beam.

    . An Atlantic ditch shrimp is loking
    for something tasty, on top of a pile of algae.
    In between the algae on can see oxygen bubbels.
    Below the algae no sunlight can penetrate the ditch.

    The pond in the midday

    On the end of a summers day, oxygen bubbels appaer
    on the surface.
    produced by algae
    Oxygen bubbels are produced as the pond is acid,
    so just a little bit of oxygen can be resolved.
    The oxygen bubbels are trapped inbetween the algae,
    pulling the algae mass to the surface.
    This is the reason why youre pond looks like spinachsoupe
    a the end of a summersdays.
    Below the algae there is a deep darkness, an the water
    contains no oxygen.

    The pond of Liesbeth has a to high nutritional
    level causing algal bloom. This is mainly due to
    a chicken roost that produces waste water. But
    mostly feeding the fish is the most important reason
    for algal bloom. Another reason can be a large amount
    of shrubs around the pond or duckweed or other
    floating waterplants: That all blocks the sunlight,
    and produces darkness on the bottom
    of the pond and water with no oxygen.
    Algal bloom has often more then one reason.

    The same pond afther cleaning the bottom, flushing the water and
    reducting of the floating plants and shrubs. The waste vwater of the
    chicken roost has been blocked.
    Two photo's of Liesbeth.

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