Double Snowdrop or Galanthus nivalis "Flore pleno"t -->

double snowdrop

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Double Snowdrop

Galanthus nivalis "Flore pleno"

The Double snowdrop flowers at the end of the winter,
often between snow and ice.
The colder the temperature the longer the flowering period.
The soil can be poor but prefferable chalky.
This nice ornamental gardenplant needs no maintance.
The double Snowdrop.

Flowers of the double Snowdrop.

The bulbs all have different shapes.

1 narcissus
2 Garden Hyacinth
3 tulip
4 crocus
5 common snowdrop

lasagna method

This a way to put bulbs in a pot.
Put a layer of buls on a layer of mulch
in a large pot. These bulbs a those that
will flower the last, usually tulp and
decorativ unions
Next layers are narcis , hyacint
or crocus
The last layer will flower firstly :
galanthus nivalis, or
In this way you will have a three months flowering period.

    Snowdrops and Snowflakes

    Galanthus is a family of flowering plants
    consisting of Galanthus (snowdrops) and
    Leucojum (snowflakes). They flower very early
    in spring and have lovely white, bell-shaped
    flowers. they derive there name from
    the white color of there flowers and there
    habit to flower between ice and snow.
    All Galanthus is very poisionous.

    Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis

    Snowflake Leucojum

    Galanthus elwesii

    Galanthus plicatus

    Galanthus woronowii

    Galanthus nivalis "viridis-apice"

    Introduced plants

    Some imported plants are already native in the netherlands
    for over hundred years. These plants flower very early in
    spring and most have bulbs or thick rhizomes that provide the
    extra energy to be the first in spring that flowers.
    These imported plants have dissapeared during summertime.

    Leopards bane or doronicum


    Summer snowflakeeng



    Yellow anemoan.


    Blue Anemoon (Anemone Apennina)

    Pulmonaria officinalis


    Adderwort, snakewort Polygonum bistorta


    Star of Bethlehem

    Snake Head's Fritillary
    Grecian Windflower

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