Lesser celandine
The lesser celandine appears in the woodsafter a sunny day
at the end of the winter. The Lesser celandine has small
bulbs that provides in an energy source. This way it is possible
to start growing and flowering early in spring before the trees
have leaves.

The lessser celandine early in the morning.

1 Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria subsp. bulbilifer)
2 Sweet Violet or Common Violet (viola odorata)
3 Lesser celandine(Oxalis acetosella)
4 Yellow Star-of-Betlehem (Gagea lutea)
5 Woodanemoon (Anemone nemorosa)
6 Herb Paris, True-lover's Knot (paris quadrifolia)
7 Star of bethlehem (Stellaria media)
8 Cleavers (Galium aparine)
9 Yellow Archangel(Lamiastrum galeobdolon)
10 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
11 Woodruff (Galium odorata)
12 Bittersweet or Bitter nightshade (Solanum dulcamara)
13 Bush Vetch (Vicia sepium)
14 Tufted Vetch (Vicia cracca)
15 Field garlic (Allium oleraceum)
16 Cretan bryony (Bryonia cretica)