Yellow Chamomile or Golden Marguerite or Anthemis tinctoria

Yellow Chamomile

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Yellow chamomile, Golden marguerite or Anthemis tinctoria

Yellow chamomile has daisy look but instead of white
completely yellow flowers on long stalks.
Yellow chamomile is very popular in gardens and borders .
It flowers during the whole summer. These flowers produce a
strong yellow color, used for painting.
It has aromatic smelling leaves.


It flowers during summertime until the beginning
of fall with bright yellow flowers on a long thin stem.

Other Chamomile

There are plants with the name Chamomile but are not related,
they can be found here.

The Yellow chamomile.

    Butterflies are attracted by the Yellow Chamomile.

    Poisonous yellow flowers

    Some yellow flowers resemble each other,
    which is a problem as Ragwort and St Johns
    wort are both dangerous for cattle and humans.
    Yellow chamomile, St Johns wort and Ragwort
    flower all during the summer and often on the
    same places, like the verge of a road.
    Take a look at these yellow flowers:

    Yellow Chamomile

    St Johnwort


    Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)

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