The common Hawthorn
A common shrub or small tree that colors perfect white in
spring and produces red berries in fall.
As the Hawthorn has big thorns they are used in hedges.
Hawthorn flowers from April to May, the white flowers
have a nice and strong fragrance. The berries appear
during summertime and are dark red in fall, and
are pollinated by Midges.
The hawthorn, mayblossom or may
The hawthorn as a hedge
The common Hawthorn is often used a hedge
to kep the stock on the inside and thieves
on the outside.
The common Hawthorn in the garden
The common Maythorn is a jewel in youre garden.
In spring it has a thousend white flowers, that
produces a strong fragrance. In summer the berries
start to grow , and in the fall the berries are ready
feeding the birds. Read more about this at
animals in youre garden
Winter : Mistletoe is a evergreen that
can easely invade the common Hawthorn. This is not really
a bad thing as the Mistletoe produces a large amount of
light colored berries that birds use as food.
One can also see one red berry produced
by the Hawthorn.
A lonely Midland Hawthorn has become a tree.
The Midland Hawthorn produces a fishy smell
during flowering.
common Hawthorn and Midland Hawthorn
Midland Hawthorn (C. laevigata) differs from the
common Hawthorn: The flowers are smelly,
and have only one style. The Midland Hawthorn
is best used as a fence for cattle or against
bugglers. This shrub can become a tree.
Twigs in the winter.
Before World War 2 it was practiced by scouting to determine a tree
by its twigs.
1 platanus
2 horse-chestnuts,
3 Willow
4 Oak
5 common Hazel
6 Golden chain tree
7 Mapple
8 WalNut tree
9 common hornbeam
10 Elm
11 willow
13 Linden or Lime
14 Black cherry
15Sweet chestnut
16 Ash
17 Beech
18 Alder Buckthorn,
19 Birch
20 Alder
21 Rowan
22 Hawthorn
23Black poplar
On a cold morning.
A wall made of the common Hawthorn.
The berries of the Crateagus Laevigata.
The Hawthorn produces a enormeous amount of light red
colored berries during summertime that becomes darker
red in fall
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