Ornamental union

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Ornamental onions or Allium

There are very much cultivars of the Ornamental onion,
and much of these cultivars can be used in a garden.
The beautiful flower balls are an attraction in May.
Its a very good idea to compose an alliumgarden,
With different cultivars that vary in color, height
and leaves. Even in fall the dried flowerballs are a
lovely sight. Ornamental union is a splendid cut flower.

In and out the ground

The bulbs are planted in november. But don't put
them in wet soil. If the soil remains wet in fall
plant them in Februari. Wait until the ground isn't
The best time to get youre bulbs out of the ground
is before fall.
The most popular ornamental union is the
allium giganteum, up to 2 meter high, and flowers
in the mid of may.

Allium schoenophrasum or Chives.

cutting flowers

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Creeping Thistle.
yellow flag iris
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    Ornamental union in september, still a lovely sight

    A bumble bee on a unionflower. Ornamental unions are not
    edible exept for chives.

    The cultivar Allium cristophii 'Star of Persia'. This
    ornamental union produces large flowers at the start
    of the summer and needs much sun and a rich soil.

    The cultivar Alium kerataviense 'Ivory Queen' remains low.
    Its not grown only for the perfect white flowers but also for the
    broad dark green leaves.

    Allium tuberosum, or Garlic chives or Chinese Chives.
    This herb will easely grow in youre border, needs a lot of sun
    and well drained soil. This herb will produce nice garlic
    smelling chives, use it in soupe.
    Chinese chives can be grown in pots wich is sometimes
    an good option as it is not completely winterhardy.

    Allium schoenoprasum or chives, will grow vast in good
    soil and needs a lot of sun. It will also grow in a pot .
    Chives is lovely in a salad. Chives are known for attracting
    wild animals.

    Allium schoenoprasum, flower close-up, september

    This is the Allium senescens.

    The cultivar Allium senescens will remain low and flowers lately.

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