This is a yellow scale that grows on rocks, concrete and trees.
It can be founmd near cattle farms as it favors ammonia in the
air, but can be found mostly near the shore.
This common orange lichen grows on the shore. The darker apothicia
and leaves can easely distinguished.
Common orange lichen on concrete
Common orange lichen on a grave.
Yellow scale is by far the most well known
of the yellow lichnen. It belongs to the
group of foliose or leafy lichen. Yellow
scale has large leaves. In the center on
can see the orange apothecia.
Without these apothecia it is called
Xanthoria calcicola.
Lichen can grow on places were the green plants can't survive:
They can be found on the Southpole, in the desert,
and high in the mountains.
Lichen consist of a fungus and an algae, its a symbiotic relation:
The fungus can't survive without the algae, but the alg can live
without the fungus. Most lichen live from the air, they don't
have roots to take up nutrients.
The small roots (rhizines) only function is to attach the lichen
to the substrate. Lichen are very sensitiv for (air)pollution.