Three-spined stickelback
The three-spined stickelback is one of the most familiar fish of
the Netherlands and Belgium. Its one of the only fishes that
spend there life in salt or fresh waterBritainÕs freshwater ,
in streams, ponds and pools. The tree spines prevent it from
being eaten by fish. But waterinsects and the Waterspider
are the real enemies.
The tree-spined stickelback can also be found in the northsea.
enemies of the Three-spined stickelback
This fish has few enemies. The Diving waterbeetle is a insect ths
attacks every fish that it encounters.
Small stickelbacks are eaten by Hydra .
Living between duckweed
As can seen below, stickelback hide between the roots of the
duckweed, huting for arge hydra and waterfleas.

-1 two red watermites
-2 Cristella mucedo, a a bryozoan.
-3 Hydra
-4 Piscicola, a leech.
-5 Branchipus schaefferi, a fairy shrimp
-6 Plumatella, a bryozoan.
-7 Apus, a arthropod
-8 Planorbis planorbis, a snail
-9 Stickelback
-1 Duckweed
-2 Frogbite

three and ten spined stickelback lives in the
same area's.

The ten-spined stickelback lives
in a lager part of the Netherlans,
but the three-spined lives in the

three spined stikkelback reproduction
1 the male shows the female the way to the nest
2 The wifes goes in and stays there
3 The eggs are fertilized
4 The female remains in the nest
5 until the eggs have develloped
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